The Extractive Industry in Ireland includes mining and quarrying. The industry is policed by the Environmental Protection Agency. The Irish Mining and Quarrying Society is fully committed to ensuring that rock, sand, gravel and mineral extraction is undertaken in an environmentally compatible manner.

Irish Mining and Quarrying Society Code of Environmental Practice

It is the policy of the Irish Mining and Quarrying Society that each of its Members should conduct their business in a manner that is compatible with the balanced environmental and economic needs of the communities in which they operate. Further, the Society requires that they comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and apply a responsible standard where laws or regulations do not exist.

They should be committed to continuous efforts to improve environmental performance throughout their activities and they shall encourage concern and respect for the environment, emphasise every employee’s responsibility in environmental performance and ensure appropriate operating practice and training.

Finally, they should communicate openly with the public on environmental matters and share their experience with others to facilitate improvement in industry performance.

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